About ITJI
Social integration is an unavoidable task of this generation for the reunification of the Korean peninsula. Understanding the importance of this and using the network that had been established over the years, the Database Center for North Korean Human Rights set up the first meeting of the Institute for Transitional Justice and Integration (ITJI) in May 2013. Over the next three years, 30 meetings and discussions were held, and with the mission of truly achieving social integration, ITJI was officially established in August 2015 as a nonprofit organization under the ROK Ministry of the Interior. As a civil society research organization it aims prepare for 'transitional justice' and lay the foundation for 'social integration' that is truly needed for a unified Korean society. Your constructive criticism, attention and participation will become a great strength for us to prepare the reconciliation of a unified Korea.

Objective of Establishment

The Institute for Transitional Justice and Integration aims to present a Korean model of social integration through research on transitional justice and social integration and through implementation of other projects. It also strives to establish a healthy, democratic Korean society and achieve genuine reconciliation in the unified Korean society.


May 1, 2013
Launching of the Commission for Transitional Justice in North Korea
Research on case studies of transitional justice abroad
September 16, 2014
Joint international seminar with the German Konrad Adenauer Foundation
"Transitional Justice and Social Integration in Unified Germany and their Implications for the Korean Peninsula"
Research on case studies of transitional justice in North and South Korea
August, 2015
Established as a nonprofit organization under the ROK Ministry of the Interior
September 11, 2015
Joint international seminar with the German Konrad Adenauer Foundation
"Overcoming 70 Years of National Division and Commemorating 25 Years of German Unification"
December 23, 2015
Joint seminar with Database Center for North Korean Human Rights
'The Present State and Human Rights Conditions of North Korean Overseas Laborers: The North Korea Outside the North Korean State (North Korean Workers in Mongolia and Poland)
Research on tasks for transitional justice in North and South Korea for a unified Korean peninsula
May 3, 2016
First publication of the collection of transitional justice case studies abroad
May 3, 2016
Institute for Transitional Justice and Integration seminar
"The Significance and Task of Transitional Justice Needed for Reunification on the Korean Peninsula"

Organizational Chart