Terms of Use
ITJI Website Terms of Use and Privacy Policy
Welcome to ITJI English Website. Before creating your account, you must read and agree to the Terms of Use below, including any future amendments, and our Privacy Policy.

1. Purpose. The following terms of use take into account the general service provided by the Institue of Transitioal Justice and Integration (henceforth ITJI) website at regarding its usage, procedures for creating an account, and others for the convenience of the users and visitors of this website.

2. Entry into Force. The terms of use and amendments enter into force, as it is made available on the website. ITJI may modify or revise these terms and conditions and policies when it decides that it is necessary to do so. All members who have joined before the modifications agree to be bound by such amendments.

3. Membership. Any individuals are eligible to join ITJI's website. Members are those who join according to our membership form provided on this website, thereby creating an account with a username (ID) and personal password.

4. Personal Use. Your use of the Service is subject to your acceptance of and compliance with ITJI Website Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy. You must provide current, accurate identification, contact and other information requested to create the account for registration and continued use of the Service. Your initial username cannot be changed and only one username per individual is usable.

5. Proper Use. ITJI will not accept membership application submitted with someone else's name, false name, inaccurate information requested in the form, and those who register with a purpose that is detrimental to public peace and order and good public morals.

6. Contents of the Service. If you join and become ITJI member, you will enjoy the following General Services: 1) Free usage of our Documents Center which holds documents, photo and video clips; 2) Online sponsor, My Page service; 3) Weekly Email Newsletter (FNN), our on-line webzine; 4) Monthly Korean domestic newsletter. Special Services include 1) Quarterly Magazine Life & Human Rights in North Korea (English/Korean) 2) Invitation to special occasions and events. As mentioned above in article 2, the contents of the service can be added or modified and will be notified on this website.

7. Service Charge Conditions. General service provided upon membership is free of charge. Special services are provided without any charge for those who are regular monthly donor members or corporate/organization members. Any changes or transfers made between general and special services will be announced before entering into force.

8. Termination/Limits to Use. You may cancel your use of the Services and/or terminate your account by providing notice for termination directly to this email: or by checking termination on your My Page. The member him/herself must directly terminate the account with the required information. Your account will be terminated after it has been verified that it is the member him/herself. However, your personal information will be kept on ITJI database and after six months will automatically be deleted. The reason for this six months period is to protect your information on donations and if you decide to rejoin us within six months. If you would like your information to be deleted immediately, you may notify us of your wish for us to do so. Please contact through the email address above or call +82-2-723-1672, 2671. Upon your cancellation, your username and password will no longer be usable and will be unable to log in.

9. Restrictions to Service. Members will be restricted and/or suspended from using ITJI website services in the following cases: 1) if the contents provided by the user is detrimental to public order and morals; 2) illegal acts; 3) if the purpose for joining our membership is harmful to national and public interest; 4) appropriate a third party's username and password; 5) distain or cause harm to a third party; 6) if the same individual registers with more than one username; 7) in the case of using, uploading, transmitting, or otherwise distributing any content that is unlawful, defamatory, harassing, abusive, fraudulent, obscene, contains viruses, or is otherwise objectionable as reasonably determined by ITJI; and 8) in cases where the member copies, publishes, or emits in the media any documents or resources obtained from using our services without any authorization or mentioning of Citizens' Alliance for North Korean Human Rights.

10. Responsibilities of ITJI. The contents will be updated for continuous, stable usage of ITJI website members. Suggestions are welcomed by our members and will be reflected upon discussions and appropriate procedures and shall be notified to the member who has provided recommendations.

11. Privacy. Responsibilities of username (ID) and password fall on the member him/herself. You must notify ITJI webmaster if you find out that your account has been inappropriately used by a third party. ITJI regards your personal information valuable and shall not provide member's personal information to any other third party without consent. However, ITJI has the right to use voluntarily submitted information upon your agreement to the use of terms in the following cases: 1) in order to use your information as a basis for upgrading ITJI website services, for additional functions of the website to facilitate user-friendly website; 2) when providing general, statistical (not individual) information to advertisers; 3) to find out preferences of ITJI members in order to upgrade services. ITJI takes no responsibility for third party usage of information you provide (i.e. email address, username etc) on our BBS (Bulletin Board System) and information irrelevant to ITJI sent by the third party. ITJI does not have any obligation to monitor such third party acts.

12. Representation and Warranties. You represent and warrant that all information provided by you to ITJI website membership to participate in our Service is correct and current. You have all necessary right, power and authority to enter into this agreement and to perform the acts under conditions provided by this Terms of Use. ITJI takes no responsibility to following: the breakdown of the services liable to the user, false information provided by the user; unsatisfactory benefits which does not meet subjective expectations pertaining to the membership.

13. Jurisdiction. Problems pertaining to ITJI website which may arise aside from those mentioned in this Terms of Use shall be dealt with between the affected two parties. Any claims, legal proceedings or litigation arising in connection with the services will be brought solely in the jurisdiction of the competent court in the district where the Citizens' Alliance for North Korean Human Rights is situated (Jongno-gu, Seoul, ROK)

14. Donations. Monetary donations made through ITJI English Website from overseas will follow the terms of use of Pay Pal system. Individual, Corporate/Organization members can also donate goods and the equivalent amount in monetary terms will be recorded in your sponsorship donation record. Your donations will be publicized on our webpage and Korean domestic newsletter. Your donations will be used according to ITJI's internal policies of distribution and usage towards our programs and activities including relief activities of North Korean refugees in third countries, youth educational development programs, research and investigations, and maintenance of the office and secretariat. The usage will be guaranteed transparency by publicizing through website or in ITJI annual general assembly. You may be invited to fund-raising campaigns.

15. ITJI may provide you with information related to fund-raising and donations or about ITJI sponsors through post or email.

This Terms of Use for Individuals/Corporate/Organization members enter into effect from the date of opening of English website.