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[Rwanda] Gacaca Genocide Courts Finish Work

Writer. Admin   /   Data. 2017-03-22   /   Hit. 683

In Rwanda, Rwandas community courts (as known as Gacaca) established by the Rwandan government in 2005 officially closed on 4May 2012. Gacaca was established to proceed the prosecution of genocide suspects awaiting trial. The hearings gave communities a chance to face the accused and give evidence about what really happened and how it happened. Many people in Rwanda said that the process have helped to mend the wounds of the past.


However, some of people have been released and sent back to communities, which created the security concerns for survivors as the one released had wanted to previously kill them. The fairness of courts has also been criticized as defendants had no access to qualified lawyers. 


A genocide suspect stands under a tree that acts as a gacaca court

Rwandas traditional gacaca courts have been controversial

Source: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-18490348


Read more at: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-18490348


