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[Cambodia] Proceedings of Prosecuting War Crimes

Writer. Admin   /   Data. 2017-04-05   /   Hit. 521


Khmer Rouge Cadres War Crimes Charges Dismissed in Cambodia


The Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia said in a statement that Chaem, in her 60s, did not fall under their jurisdiction because she was not a senior leader of the Khmer Rouge or one of the most responsible officials.


[...] "As long as the judges followed the rules and the evidence, we must accept the decision, but it can be difficult sometimes to swallow," said Youk Chhang, who said he suffered at Im Chaems camp at the age of 15.



Read more at: http://www.voanews.com/a/khmer-rouge-cadre-war-crimes-charges-dismissed-in-cambodia/3734756.html


