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[Serbia] Benefit program for Holocaust survivors

Writer. Admin   /   Data. 2017-04-05   /   Hit. 705

Benefit program for Holocaust survivors launched in Serbia

A program to provide direct funds to Serbian Holocaust survivors all over the world has been launched in SerbiaThe program results from a law passed last year in Serbia allowing for the restitution to the Jewish community of heirless and unclaimed Jewish property seized during the Holocaust. 



The law envisions the Serbian government paying 950,000 euros ($1 million) per year for 25 years to the Federation of Jewish Communities. For at least the first 10 years, one-fifth of the money will be set aside for direct payments to Holocaust survivors. 


Reat more at: http://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/benefit-program-holocaust-survivors-launched-serbia-46564289


