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[Colombia] Farc Leaders Beg Forgiveness

Writer. Admin   /   Data. 2017-03-08   /   Hit. 689


FARC leaders touring Colombia to beg forgiveness for war crimes

In Colombia, the protracted conflict between the government and the leftist guerrilla movement FARC recently came to an end after the conclusion of a peace agreement in August 2016. Mechanisms for transitional justice have been set but the process has yet to begin. Still, former FARC guerrilla leaders have reportedly traveled around the country in order to apologize to the victims, such as the survivors of the Chinita massacre, and ask for their forgiveness. This could reflect the Columbian people’s will to achieve peace and reconciliation.



Source: Colombia Reports


Read more at: http://colombiareports.com/farc-leaders-touring-colombia-beg-forgiveness-war-crimes/


